Monday, June 2, 2008

Weekends & IT

A wonderful weekend filled with sun and heavy downpours has passed and it had me thinking about weekends for many people in the IT field.

For the most part, IT workers are treated as professionals from top to bottom. However, a great deal of IT jobs have "on call" status that is not always reflected in the pay or prestige of the position. Often positions require 24/7 support or some facsimile of such. Even when 24/7 support is not a requirement, an expectation of working long hours at project deadlines is common with IT.

The question I am pondering now is:

Is this an IT cultural issue or a management of IT issue? Does the style of IT work lend itself to this or have we become conditioned?


Matthew Welsh said...

Very good question. I think the "mobile workplace" has created a gap for companies to invade the homes and personal lives of its employees. Give them an inch, they take a mile.

Corey Wells said...

I don't understand the question. Please rephrase.... Thank you!

Staying Informed